Monday, 5 March 2012

Series 16, Episode 11 Review: Thomas and the Sounds of Sodor

Like every fan, I can go into every detail that was wrong with this episode, but like usual, I’ll just keep this review as short as possible. This episode was basically Percy and the Oil Painting, rewritten for the CGI series, meaning they’ve made it all the more awful. Thomas, once again, was only doing what he thought was right, he never asked the composer what he wanted to hear or where he wanted to go, and Thomas seems to think he’s above the other engines, for  no one else was allowed in the quarry, but he was. Today, in the famous composer, saw the first ever Russian character on the Island of Sodor, being ironic it should happen a day after the Russian presidential elections, and by the way, if you are reading, congratulations on your landslide victory, comrad Putin! But anyway, back onto today’s episode, for if I was a communist dictator, and willing someday I will be, I would make everyone watch nothing but series 1 to 5 of Thomas the Tank Engine, and anyone who was ever on the writing team for HiT’s version of the show would be silenced.
The CGI was it it’s normal excellence, and I have already seen the next few episodes of the series, and I feel we are going to see some of Nitrogen’s best work in their final episodes, and it’s really going to put the writing for them to shame.
So basically, today’s episode was avavidge, meaning  it was bad, but not the worst we’ve ever seen, I would rather watch this than Ol' Wheezy Wobbles, but it was still pretty bad.
But anyway, enjoy your evening,

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