Thursday, 8 March 2012

Series 16, Episode 14 Review: Emily's Winter Party Special

ARRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WINTER HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is it still being said, after what all the PC groups, and the Awdry family themselves said last year?, you were able to change it for Salty’s Surprise, and we’re getting The Christmas Express at the appropriate time, so why was Christmas still airbrushed out of today’s episode?
The episode was just Topped Off Thomas and Keeping Up with James put together with Emily as engine X, the fact that she doesn’t find The Fat Controller’s hat, yet thinks because she’s tried to find it, while the other engines have been working, she can pull the present train, and for all Thomas and Emily knew, that top hat on the snowman could have been just a hat that looks like The Fat Controller’s, I mean they must sell them somewhere, and after how many he went throw in the classic series, he must have more than one. Over all, this episode was once again, bad enough to be one from Series 15, and it just reminds me why we’re all glad that Sharon Miller’s reign of terror is nearly over.
Believe it or not, yes, the CGI was excellent, and was I the only one who thought the light from Emily’s fairy lights, made her face look a little bit more like her model one? I think it’s a real shame that after how bad Series 15 was, many fans haven’t been following Series 16, for it is Nitrogen’s last series, and we all respect them for  their dedication towards our number one engine, and bringing him into the brave new world of CGI animation, I know probably all of us will see Blue Mountain Mystery when it comes out, but please, to show your thanks to Nitrogen for what they’ve done for Thomas, please watch the last week of Series 16 if you can, thank you!
Have a nice night!


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